A few popular online marketers from previous years have always said that email marketing was very important to making a lot of money online. Due to the outcome that many people have getting over the last couple of years, we will conclude that the power of the email list is very strong. Obviously there have been many changes to the IM landscape including the rise of social media. However, everyone has a different opinion when it comes to such matters. We want you to always think outside of the box and seek out new opportunities in the things that you encounter. The email list still has many good opportunities in store. But, you have to be competent when it comes to your skills.
After the CAN-SPAM Act was passed years ago, the only way to go with using email became permission-based email marketing. The law, as all are, are directed toward spammers while law-abiding and responsible marketers took care of their own selves. This is fairly easy as it means what the words imply, in order to be legal you need the permission of those to whom you send commercial email. Even if you are sending commercial emails as a sole-proprietor or an individual, meaning not a company, you still must abide by the law and gain permission with the optin.
Quite a lot of email marketers prefer to use HTML format emails as opposed to simple text emails, or non-HTML formatted email. But look hard at your audience regarding HTML because there are more choices there for you which may impact your conversions. If you do use graphics, then you need to be careful and avoid making the email itself too heavy with the file size. But just remember that you cannot go overboard in your emails. You always need to be conscious of avoiding the spam filters, and that is possible if emails are too large.
Email filters are widespread and are found in any kind of email client program. Plus, there is filtering performed at the ISP level. But usually people have to enable or disable that feature; chances are good that filtering on is the default setting. What the email filter does is impose a block on an email based on certain criteria. For example, what you place in the subject line, or the email address in the "From" field as well as the email body copy are all considered. Then there are certain words, phrases and characters that are tested for in those spaces. If there is a certain combination or perhaps score that serves as a trigger, then the email is filtered or blocked out.
If you are new to email marketing, we recommend you avoid getting paranoid about the false accusation of spamming that can occur with a subscriber. We have no statistics or any kind of data on how prevalent that is in the industry. But it is something we hear about very infrequently, and we feel it is not worth worrying about. Nevertheless, you should go with which ever option makes you feel most comfortable.
After the CAN-SPAM Act was passed years ago, the only way to go with using email became permission-based email marketing. The law, as all are, are directed toward spammers while law-abiding and responsible marketers took care of their own selves. This is fairly easy as it means what the words imply, in order to be legal you need the permission of those to whom you send commercial email. Even if you are sending commercial emails as a sole-proprietor or an individual, meaning not a company, you still must abide by the law and gain permission with the optin.
Quite a lot of email marketers prefer to use HTML format emails as opposed to simple text emails, or non-HTML formatted email. But look hard at your audience regarding HTML because there are more choices there for you which may impact your conversions. If you do use graphics, then you need to be careful and avoid making the email itself too heavy with the file size. But just remember that you cannot go overboard in your emails. You always need to be conscious of avoiding the spam filters, and that is possible if emails are too large.
Email filters are widespread and are found in any kind of email client program. Plus, there is filtering performed at the ISP level. But usually people have to enable or disable that feature; chances are good that filtering on is the default setting. What the email filter does is impose a block on an email based on certain criteria. For example, what you place in the subject line, or the email address in the "From" field as well as the email body copy are all considered. Then there are certain words, phrases and characters that are tested for in those spaces. If there is a certain combination or perhaps score that serves as a trigger, then the email is filtered or blocked out.
If you are new to email marketing, we recommend you avoid getting paranoid about the false accusation of spamming that can occur with a subscriber. We have no statistics or any kind of data on how prevalent that is in the industry. But it is something we hear about very infrequently, and we feel it is not worth worrying about. Nevertheless, you should go with which ever option makes you feel most comfortable.
About the Author:
If you are new to IM, then approach Affiliate Overthrow bonus along with its many components carefully so you will be able to realize maximum leveraging opportunities.
Nice post, things explained in details. Thank You.